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A Letter from The Barnard Bulletin’s Editors-in-Chief

Read the letter from The Bulletin's Editors-in-Chief for the 2024-2025 academic year, Sophie Meritt and Lily Sones.

Photography by Claire Cenovic/The Barnard Bulletin

September 4, 2024

Dear Barnard community,

As the Fall 2024 semester commences, we are excited to lead The Barnard Bulletin as its Editors-in-Chief for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The Barnard Bulletin was founded in 1901 as a journalistic outlet for Barnard students to express their thoughts, report on campus happenings, and critically interrogate the issues most important to them. This year, we hope to carry on the legacy of The Barnard Bulletin in its mission to ethically serve the public good of the Barnard community, reporting through an intersectional feminist lens. 

As seniors reflecting on our past three years at this institution, we realize the exceptional weight of its legacy. We came to Barnard College because of its dedication to uplifting the voices of women, and more broadly, the voices of historically marginalized and silenced communities. Barnard’s identity as a diverse, resilient, provocative, and activist institution draws in the students who bring that vision to fruition. The power to uphold these values rests with us, with the student body, and with our campus community at large. 

With this legacy in mind, we recognize the responsibility of The Barnard Bulletin to report on our own history as this community adds to our collective story as changemakers, both on our own campus and throughout the world. Our history must be recorded for the future generations of Barnard students as we embark on our journeys as leaders outside of the Barnard gates. 

We, the Editors-in-Chief, are committed to this goal. 

Our College stands at a point where student journalism is more vital to sustaining informed integrity than ever before, and with that comes an unprecedented level of attention from outside our campus. As the primary eyes and ears on the ground, The Barnard Bulletin remains steadfast in its obligation to unbiased, ethical, and accurate reporting so as to further the democratic public exchange of ideas on and around our campus. We have a unique opportunity, and pivotal responsibility to serve as a beacon of verity at Barnard, and we carry this mantle resolutely. 

Very truly yours,

Sophie Meritt and Lily Sones


The Barnard Bulletin


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